What is the expected behavior of the following code?It will:
Question 32
If you need a function that does nothing, what would you use instead of XXX? (Choose two.)
Question 33
Is it possible to safely check if a class/object has a certain attribute?
Question 34
The first parameter of each method:
Question 35
The simplest possible class definition in Python can be expressed as:
Question 36
If you want to access an exception object's components and store them in an object called e, you have to use the following form of exception statement:
Question 37
A variable stored separately in every object is called:
Question 38
There is a stream named s open for writing. What option will you select to write a line to the stream?
Question 39
You are going to read just one character from a stream called s. Which statement would you use?
Question 40
What can you deduce from the following statement? (Choose two.)