What would you used instead of XXX if you want to check weather a certain 'key' exists in a dictionary called dict? (Choose two.)
Question 22
You need data which can act as a simple telephone directory. You can obtain it with the following clauses (Select two relevant variants; assume that no other items have been created before)
Question 23
Can a module run like regular code?
Question 24
Select the valid fun() invocations:(Choose two.)
Question 25
A file name like this one below says that:(Choose three.) services, cpython 36.pyc
Question 26
What is the expected behavior of the following snippet?It will:
Question 27
What can you do if you don't like a long package path like this one?
Question 28
What is the expected output of the following code?
Question 29
What is the expected output of the following code?
Question 30
What is the expected behavior of the following snippet?It will: