Box 1: Progressive exposure -
Continuous Delivery may sequence multiple deployment "rings" for progressive exposure (also known as "controlling the blast radius"). Progressive exposure groups users who get to try new releases to monitor their experience in "rings." The first deployment ring is often a "canary" used to test new versions in production before a broader rollout. CD automates deployment from one ring to the next and may optionally depend on an approval step, in which a decision maker signs off on the changes electronically. CD may create an auditable record of the approval in order to satisfy regulatory procedures or other control objectives.
Box 2: Feature flags -
Feature flags support a customer-first DevOps mindset, to enable (expose) and disable (hide) features in a solution, even before they are complete and ready for release.
Box 3: Blue/green -
Blue/green deployments which means that instead of replacing the previous version (here we refer to this version as blue), we bring up the new version (here referred to as the green version) next to the existing version, but not expose it to the actual users right away. On the condition of having successfully validated that the green version works correctly, we will promote this version to the public version by changing the routing configuration without downtime. If something is wrong with the green version we can revert back without users every noticing interruptions.