You have receipts that are accessible from a URL. You need to extract data from the receipts by using Form Recognizer and the SDK. The solution must use a prebu...
Microsoft AI-102 Exam
Questions Number: 24 out of 241 Questions
Question 24
You have receipts that are accessible from a URL. You need to extract data from the receipts by using Form Recognizer and the SDK. The solution must use a prebuilt model. Which client and method should you use?
To analyze receipts from a URL, use the StartRecognizeReceiptsFromUri method Example code: private static async Task AnalyzeReceipt( FormRecognizerClient recognizerClient, string receiptUri) { RecognizedFormCollection receipts = await recognizerClient.StartRecognizeReceiptsFromUri(new Uri(receiptUrl)).WaitForCompletionAsync(); Reference: