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Google Associate-Cloud Exam

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Viewing Questions 161 170 out of 256 Questions

Question 161
Your development team has asked you to set up an external TCP load balancer with SSL Offload.
Which load balancer should you use?
A. SSL proxy
B. HTTP load balancer
C. TCP proxy
D. HTTPS load balancer

Question 162
Your company has hired a third-party analytics company to help find patterns in user data. Your development team has generated a file containing only the data they'v’ requested; which includes personally identifiable information.What is the best way to share the data with the other company?
A.Create a new user for the company and grant them access to the original data source for Them to query.
B.Send the file through email.
C.Put the data on Cloud Storage and generate a signed URL that wil expire in one hour, andSecurely share the URL.
D.Put the data on Cloud Storage in a public bucket and securely share the URL.

Question 163
You have an autoscaled managed instance group that is set to scale based on CPU utilization Of 60%. There are currently 3 instances in the instance group. You’re connected to one of the Instances and notice that the CPU usage is a 70%. However, the instance group isn’t starting up Another instance. What’s the most likely reason?
A. The autoscaler is disabled.
B. The autoscaler takes 60 seconds before creating a new instance.
C. The load balancer doesn’t recognize the instance as healthy.
D. The average CPU for the entire instance group is below 60%.

Question 164
Your manager needs you to test out the latest version of MS-SQL on a Windows instance. You’ve created the VM and need to connect into the instance. What steps should you follow to Connect to the instance?
A.Generate a Windows password in the console, then use a client capable of communicating Via RDP and provide the credentials.
B.Generate a Windows password in the console, then use the RDP button to connect in Through the console.
C.Connect in with your own RDP client using your Google Cloud username and password.
D.From the console click the SSH button to automatically connect.

Question 165
You’ve created a bucket to store some data archives for compliance. The data isn’t likely to Need to be viewed. However, you need to store it for at least 7 years. What is the best default Storage class?
A. Multi-regional
B. Coldline
C. Regional
D. Nearline

Question 166
The development team needs a regional MySQL database with point-in-time recovery for a new Proof- of-concept application. What’s the most inexpensive way to enable point-in-time Recovery?
A. Replicate to a Cloud Spanner database.
B. Create a read replica in the same region.
C. Enable binary logging.
D. Create hourly back-ups.

Question 167
You’re attempting to deploy a new instance that uses the centos 7 family. You can’t recall the Exact name of the family.
Which command could you use to determine the family names? Choose (2)
A. gcloud compute instances list
B. gcloud compute images show-families
C. gcloud compute instances show-families
D. gcloud compute images list

Question 168
You’re’ working on setting up a cluster of virtual machines with GPUs to perform some 3D Rendering for a customer. They’re on a limited budget and are looking for ways to save money. What is the best solution for implementing this?
A. Use an autoscaled managed instance group containing some preemptible instances.
B. Use an unmanaged instance group with preemptible instances.
C. Use App Engine with Flexible Environments.
D. Use App Engine with Standard Environments.

Question 169
You’ve created the code for a Cloud Function that wil respond to HTTP triggers and return Some data in JSON format. You have the code local y, it’s tested and working.
Which command Can you use to create the function inside Google Cloud? (two)
A. gcloud functions deploy
B. gcloud function create
C. gcloud functions create
D. gcloud function deploy

Question 170
You’ve found that your Linux server keeps running low on memory. It’s currently using 8 Gigs of Memory, and you want to increase it to 16. What is the simplest way to do that? Choose (2)
A. Use the gcloud compute add-memory command to increase the memory.
B. Use the Linux memincr command to increase the memory.
C. Stop the instance and change the machine type.
D. Create a new instance with the correct amount of memory.

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