A company CFO recently analyzed the company's AWS monthly bill and identified an opportunity to reduce the cost for AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments in use. T...

Amazon SAP-C01 Exam

Questions Number: 424 out of 470 Questions

Question 424
A company CFO recently analyzed the company's AWS monthly bill and identified an opportunity to reduce the cost for AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments in use. The CFO has asked a Solutions Architect to design a highly available solution that will spin up an Elastic Beanstalk environment in the morning and terminate it at the end of the day.
The solution should be designed with minimal operational overhead and to minimize costs. It should also be able to handle the increased use of Elastic Beanstalk environments among different teams, and must provide a one-stop scheduler solution for all teams to keep the operational costs low.
What design will meet these requirements?

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